Retirement Savings Resources
Wherever you want to be in retirement, you can get there with helpful resources that simplify planning and support smart saving decisions. While your dreams for retirement are unique to you, you don't have to go it alone. We’re here to help, every step of the way.
Download the resources below to learn more about preparing for a financially secure retirement.
- Time Value of Money
No matter when you start saving for retirement, saving consistently can help increase your monthly income from retirement savings. Learn more about the time value of money. - Social Security Benefit Planning
Learn more about how your monthly Social Security payment is calculated and how claiming age affects the overall financial benefit you may receive. - Investing Terms and Jargon Definitions
The jargon used when talking about investments can be confusing, but these key terms and definitions can help you understand your investment options and how different types of investments can work together in your retirement plan. - Annual Employee Contribution Limits
Download this resource to learn more about the adjusted annual maximum retirement plan contribution limits for employees. - Pre-Tax Contributions in a Retirement Plan
Many retirement plans allow you to contribute to your retirement savings with pre-tax contributions from your paycheck, ultimately lowering your annual taxable income. Download this resource to learn more. - Retirement Plan Distribution Overview
Learn more about the different account distribution types you can request from your retirement plan and the qualifications each type of distribution requires.
- 401(k) Plan Terms and Definitions
Use these key 401(k) terms and jargon definitions can help to build confidence in understanding your options when contributing to your retirement plan. - 401(k) Rollover Assets Overview
If you’re changing jobs, you may be unsure what to do with the assets in your retirement plan. Download this resource to learn more about your options and learn how to roll funds over to a new retirement account.
Two Important Reasons to Regularly Review Your Retirement Portfolio
When was the last time you reviewed the investments in your employer-sponsored retirement plan?
If you’re like many, the answer might be that it’s been a while. Don't sweat it, now’s a great time to put a plan in place so you can stay up to date on the performance of your investments.
Balancing Social Security Benefits with Personal Retirement Savings
There are many factors that go into preparing financially for retirement, but one of the most important is understanding how your retirement savings will complement your Social Security benefit—and ultimately, when you should start claiming your benefit. Here are key considerations and tips that can help you start planning.
Planning for Your Social Security Benefits in Retirement
Today, Social Security benefits represent about 30 percent of the income for people over age 65.1 But there is significant concern among workers about access to their benefits in the future. In fact, 72 percent of Americans worry their Social Security won’t be there when they retire.2
Three Things to Consider Doing With Your Retirement Plan During Market Volatility
Retirement planning isn't easy—you can make all the right decisions, but your savings are always susceptible to market volatility. Unexpected world events can influence your savings by seemingly drastic amounts, causing an unsettling feeling that can leave you questioning if your financial future is secure.
How to Locate a 401(k) From a Previous Job
If you're trying to locate an old 401(k) plan from a previous job, you're not alone…not by a long shot. The good news is that the Department of Labor (DOL) has established rules for protecting money put into a 401(k), so the money isn't necessarily lost—just waiting for someone to claim it. However, that doesn’t mean your old 401(k) account will always be easy to track down. It may take some digging, but there are a variety of ways you can find it.
Why am I being charged fees to get my money out of my 401(k)?
It happens far too often: workers saving in a retirement plan leave their jobs and decide to take their 401(k) funds with them as a distribution, only to be caught off guard when their distribution is subject to a variety of fees and taxes. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be looking for the income taxes on funds that have been accumulating tax-free, and recordkeepers will be charging a fee for processing the distribution. These taxes and fees apply whether you leave the plan and take your money, or your employer closes the plan and pays you out.
How to fully utilize 401(k) catch-up contributions
There’s never a bad time to audit your retirement savings account and make sure there are no major discrepancies between the amount of time you’d like to be retired and the amount of time you can afford to be retired.
When to Start Saving for Retirement
There's an old, well-known adage that says, "There’s no time like the present." We've all heard the phrase at one point or another, and while it probably wasn't referencing when to start saving for retirement the first time it was uttered, it may as well have been.
Four Factors That Impact Social Security Benefits
With countless rules enforced by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and many potential strategies for collecting Social Security benefits, it’s no wonder pre-retirees and retirees alike often feel overwhelmed and confused when it comes time to claim benefits.
Understanding Retirement Investing Basics: Key Terms and Jargon
Saving for retirement sounds simple enough, and your employer-sponsored 401(k) allows you to make convenient contributions to save for your future—but making decisions about how to invest in your plan can be overwhelming if you don’t understand the language used to describe your options. Whether you’re saving in a 401(k), IRA, 403(b), or any other type of retirement plan, we’ve collected some of the key terms and jargon you may see in your plan to help you feel empowered and knowledgeable about your investment decisions.
Choosing Your Retirement Plan Investments: Understanding Risk Tolerance Levels
A 401(k) or similar retirement plan can be an incredibly useful tool for workers looking to save for retirement without the intimidation that can come with solo exploration of the open stock market.
Three Reasons to Increase Your Retirement Plan Contributions This Year
Your company’s retirement plan is just one of a collection of useful tools for successful retirement planning. As is the case with any tool, you have to use it for it to work.
Benefits of Roth Contributions in a 401(k) Plan
Enrolling in (and starting to contribute to) your 401(k) plan can seem like a daunting task—especially if you aren't overly familiar with the inner workings of the financial industry.
What happens when you make an early 401(k) withdrawal?
Picture this: you’ve left your office for the last time. You’ve spent the better part of your career preparing for this exact moment and have finally reached retirement bliss.
Five things you need to know if you’re saving in a 401(k) for the first time
Let’s be honest—401(k) plans are seriously underrated. And we don’t mean that in terms of how often they’re utilized, but instead how exciting they are.
How do I request a 401(k) distribution?
If you’re currently saving for your retirement in a 401(k) plan—congratulations! You've made a smart financial decision to get closer to being retirement ready when the time comes.
Three things to know about your 401(k) statement
There are two types of 401(k) savers in this world: those who quickly glance at their 401(k) statement (or don't even look at it at all) before filing it away or throwing it in the trash, and those who immediately start analyzing the returns on their investments as soon as the statement arrives in their mailbox.
What is Form 1099-R and why did I get one?
An old, well-known adage says that only two things in life are guaranteed: death and taxes. While we may not have much control over the first of life’s guarantees, we can aim to fully understand and be prepared for the second, right?
Five basic 529 questions
At Ascensus, we want everyone to know that saving for college is possible.
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): The Basics
Health savings accounts (HSAs) are tax-advantaged savings accounts held by individuals to pay for eligible out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. An individual can also contribute to an HSA to pay for qualified medical expenses such as vision and dental. HSAs provide a triple advantage through pre-tax contributions, earnings from interest on the account, and qualified distributions that are exempt from federal income tax. HSAs can be a tax-exempt trust or custodial account held by the individual. Please be sure to consult your tax and legal advisors for questions or specific information on tax matters.
How much should you save for retirement?
One of the simplest and most effective ways to save for retirement is through your workplace retirement plan. Many financial professionals recommend saving 10% to 15% of your total income. Yet how much you should save largely depends on your retirement goals, age, and income.